Purchase Book and Contribute to the Ministry

If you are sensing that something is missing in your relationship with God, this book provides a resource to help you identify what may be missing. Each topic furnishes a starting point as you respond to Abba Father’s call to relate to Him in new ways. After that it is up to you to seek His will, respond to His voice, and actively engage in Scripture in order to nurture your relationship with Him.

Donate to our ministry and receive our book free here:

What’s Missing – Restoring the Lost Pieces in Your Relationship with God

4 thoughts on “Purchase Book and Contribute to the Ministry

  1. Hello Peter and Nancy….my friend David is driving down to minister to the people in Tennessee…. Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge…. who lost family members and houses and belongings… some…..everything….he is leaving tomorrow night…he and I am believers and followers of Yeshua the Messiah….David wants to bring them something to tell them of the Fathers love and help show them the way to salvation…..I saw your book and was wondering if you would donate a few for David to pass out while he is down there ministering to them…..it seems like the perfect book to help them in this time of grief and sorrow. What do you think? I can give you Davids phone number, tell him Wendy informed you of his need. Thank you for listening….may Yah bless all your endeavors….Davids number is 862 223 3667. My number is 973 248 7350


    1. Shalom Wendy- We are in mourning for & will say Kaddish for them – it is so tragic to see lives cut off before their years are spent, & to lose property in such a catastrophic way is tragic as well. Yes, this is a wonderful idea to donate some of our books for people who have lost so much in this world. The spiritual lifelines in our book have helped ourselves and others to heal from soul-wounds that seemed impossible to heal in the natural. Although our ministry is small & finances are even smaller, we would also like to make a monetary contribution to help those who have lost much. We will call you today to get more details and the address where we can send books and a contribution. Thanks for making us aware of this need, and blessings to you & David…Peter & Nancy


      1. Hello Peter and Nancy…thank you so much for your reply! The books would be greatly appreciated….perhaps David or I could pay you something for them…OK you can call me today….at 973 248 7350 or David at 862 223 3667. I live in Fairfield NJ David lives in Orange County in NY. I am trying to get his parents’ address for you to ship the books too….Yes these “poor” people have suffered greatly….David has a big heart and wishes to bring them the glad tidings and the message of salvation….so they can have “hope” beyond all measure. Bless you both!! Wendy


      2. Wendy – we just had a great chat & prayer time with David – we are indeed kindred spirits! We agreed we would donate some books & also make a contribution to the cause. He realized that our town is basically on the way to Tennessee so he is going to stop by here tomorrow nite & stay with us before he finishes the journey on Monday morning (about 6 hours from us) – maybe we will be able to speak with you while he’s here – Shabbat Shalom…Peter


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